Observation: Turnagain

Location: Tincan, Turnagain Pass

Route & General Observations

Date: 20141228
Time: 10:30 ~ 13:30
Location: Tincan, Turnagain Pass.
Elev: 2700′ ASL.

Weather: Obscured Sky, flat light.
Air temperature: 0ยบ C.
Precipitation: A few drops under 1000′, light snow above 1500′ at times.
Wind: Moderate E/NE wind at treeline, increasing as we get up, around 12:00.
Trees moving, Snow drifting and flags moving. Strong gusts at times.

Signs & Snow:
No signs of instability detected.
A few wind crust forming.
Surface Penetrability: 1cm PS (ski penetration), 12 cms PF (foot penetration).

No snow pit tests performed. Skied from 2700′ traversing N, and then W. Skiers

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