Tenderfoot uptrack to tenderfoot ridge up to 3500′.
Clear skies, no precipitation, temperature at the car was 10* F but climbed to 32* F at the ridge top,
calm to light winds.
Obvious Signs of Instability:
Recent Avalanches-NO
Shooting Cracks-NO
Surface Observations:
Thin crust on surface up to 2000′ with 4-7mm surface hoar above it.
2000-2300′ loose surface snow with variable wind crust below, 3-5mm surface hoar.
2300-3200′ Stout wind slab and highly variable crust, no surface hoar growth above 2300′
Below the snow surface:
At lower elevations (up to 2300′) snowpack consisted of near surface facets, small wind slabs, and
decomposing melt freeze crusts. Snow pit tests indicated low strength, low energy, and weak
Above 2300′ the snowpack was highly variable. Our pit location was on a leeward aspect and
showed stronger layers with very little energy in pit tests. The structure of the snowpack was more
uniform with no obvious weak layers.
Pit Data:
Pit 1: 2350 ft, SW aspect
HS: 65cm
Results: CT11 Q1, CT12 Q2, ECTX 12 Q3
Failures occurred in a faceted layer 20cm deep above a melt freeze crust.
Pit 2: 2850 ft, S aspect
HS: 75cm
Results: CTN, ECTX