Observation: Turnagain

Location: Sunburst / Seattle Ridge / Magnum

Route & General Observations

Sunny skies, very warm (50degree temps), light east winds today and a solid
refreeze overnight made for low danger in the morning that increased to Moderate,
possibly verging on Considerable in some places, by the afternoon for wet
slides. No new avalanches noted today. Nice, dry, wind buffed snow was found
above 3500′ on shaded northerlies. Good corn was found where the sun softened
the crusts. Shallower snowpacks seeing a full day on intense sun become
completely loose and unsupportable.

Most concerning are west aspects that have not undergone the springtime
shedding. A look at the west face of Magnum showed a couple feet of wet sloppy
snow under a 4-5″ thick crust that was softening on top during the day (photo
below). The snowpack looks like it is beginning to glide/creep downhill and is
opening cracks (photo below). Will these release?

Added an avalanche from the east face of Sunburst that is suspect to be several
days old by the melted out earth on a section of the bed surface.

Also added, what I feel is, am impressive amount of debris on the Seattle Ridge
up-track. These slides are around a week old but the carnage remains!

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