Sunburst weather station is functioning again! The over 100mph winds last Sunday
completely blew off the old anemometer (wind sensing instrument). We hope to get
Seattle Ridge’s anemometer up and running in the next few days.
Snow surface conditions today were 2-4 inches of new loose snow on top of a
variable wind effected surface. Old surface included soft snow to wind slab that
was easily punched through with skis to completely supportable.
Snow pit at 3000′ – 37deg WSW facing slope on Sunburst:
This pit confirmed a solid, right-side-up, snowpack. It was in a relatively wind
sheltered location. Essentially Fist hardness snow at the top and gradually
strengthening to pencil hard snow 7-8 feet deep. The warm Dec. 3rd event laid
down only snow at this elevation (no rain crust present).