No signs observed
Standard uptrack up to 3450′, tracking the Thanksgiving rain crust and looking for the concerning facet/crust combo above 3000′.
No signs observed
No new precipitation
Partly cloudy with mid level fog.
Temperatures: low 20Fs at parking lot and single digits at ridgetop
Light west wind
4-6" of light soft snow from 12.2.19 over supportable Thanksgiving rain crust to around 2200', crust is breakable above 2200' and disappears completely around 2600'.
See photos for Thankgiving rain crust at 1600' and 2100'
We dug 4 snow pits from 3150' to 3400'. They all had the facet/crust combination that we have been discussing in the forecast 50 to 65 cm below the surface. The reactivity of the weak layer varied from ECTP in the 20s in three of the pits to ECTP 9 /ECTP 13 in one of the other pit location. We probed a bunch above 2500' and found overall snow depths varied from a few cms of scoured crust to just over 100 cm.