Overcast, occasional breaks
Mild temps:
11am—37F @ 1,000’
2pm—42F @ 1,000’
Light winds, localized out of the North 5-10mph
no precip
Obvious Signs of Instability
Recent Avalanches-no
Surface obs
A trace of snow above 2,500’ sits on West through North aspects. A soft crust
(refreeze from overnight on 4/15) sits below this skiff of new snow. This crust
is 4F hardness and easy to break through. Damp snow below the near surface
crust allowed for easy turning.
The snow surface below 2,500’ gradually became less supportable through the
afternoon. Heating was not intense enough to allow for wet loose avalanche
activity in the lower elevations.
Surface cooling from localized winds helped to limit melting. No wet loose
activity in the upper elevations noted. Zero sluffing on 40 degree terrain.
Cornices are still looming above starting zones and cross loaded gullies (see
photo). No cornice activity noted today.
Pit info:
Elevation: 3,000’
Aspect: WNW
Slope angle: 30 degrees
Height of Snow (HS)= 160cm
Trace of new snow sitting on 1cm crust (4F hardness)