Observation: Hatcher Pass

Location: Microdot

Route & General Observations

Microdot to Nosebleed

Red Flags
Red flags are simple visual clues that are a sign of potential avalanche danger. Please record any sign of red flags below.
Obvious signs of instability
Recent Avalanches?No
Collapsing (Whumphing)?No
Cracking (Shooting cracks)?Yes
Observer Comments

Localized cracking, 1-5 cm deep, 1-3 feet long, in wind loaded areas

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Clear, Calm, -4.5*C, 1-2 cm new snow

Snow surface

+ and DF over wind board and various stiff layers


Strong strength, poor structure, poor propagation
expect propagation to be high with a heavy new load

Photos & Video
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