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Skinned up from the Manitoba pullout. Thin cover below and just above treeline. Once on the main face, observed ~3-4″ of soft snow that was beginning to facet (not quite as badly as Turnagain area, however). Underneath was what appeared to be 2-4″ of a wind slab. Did not appear to be very reactive in most spots, but was supported by some looser snow. This combo could pose a hazard when we get some more snow on top (possibly this weekend?). Otherwise, the main Easterly face skied very well top to bottom. Low angle and minimally faceted surface layer did not cause notable sluff or loose slide issues.
None yet
Inversion, -10F at base, +15 on main face. Light winds, mostly sunny transitioning to mostly cloudy. Weather and moisture rolling in. Flurries on the way down.
Suface beginning to facet
Old wind slab underneath (~3-4" down), supported by looser snow (not fully faceted)