Avalanche: Girdwood

Location: Magpie Bowl

Route & General Observations

Skinned from Crow Creek Road into the lower Magpie Bowl. Stopped skinning before the choke up into Crystal Palace. Valley fog/low clouds moving in and out with sun peaking through, had moments of visibility to mountain tops and saw no slab avalanches anywhere in the region. Observed at least 1 point release/dry loose slide (D1 ish, had run on some cliffs.) But other than that saw no avalanche activity. Magpie had been sheltered from the wind, but the other side of the Crow Pass Valley looked totally wind hammered with really visible wind texture.

Avalanche Details
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Trigger NaturalRemote Trigger Unknown
Avalanche Type Dry Loose SnowAspect East
Elevation 4700ftSlope Angle 55deg
Crown DepthunknownWidthunknown
Vertical Run 500ft  
Avalanche Details

Dry loose avalanche over some really steep terrain ran out into the edge of Magpie lower bowl. Not that big. Only observed 1 such dry loose slide and no other activity.

Weather & Snow Characteristics
Please provide details to help us determine the weather and snowpack during the time this observation took place.

Low cloud banks moving in and out but we could see sunshine up high and an occasional patch of blue.

Snow surface

~8-10 inches of fresh dry snow in most places, on top of an old wind slab that was about 2-3" thick (in hand pits) with more soft snow underneath. In some places the wind slab felt a bit thicker, but again, always buried under the fresh new snow - at least 4", often way more. Skied great. Didn't see anything concerning when breaking trail (no cracks or anything) or in hand pits, we did not dig a pit.


As mentioned above, in the top 1.5' of the pack there are a few layers of wind affected harder snow and some looser layers.