Forecast mentioned sunny breaks and that’s exactly what we found along the
Magnum ridge back towards Superbowl today. The sucker hole graced us with
excellent vis for enjoying some sublime Chugach powder under otherwise thinly
obscured skies with calm winds.
After the first run just beyond the first big peak along the Magnum ridge I
broke trail back up to the ridge – no signs of instability on the down or up.
Then skied several more lines further back along the ridge through steeper,
rockier terrain. There was one other party that did a few lines in this area as
well. There was some significant but manageable sluffing as well as a couple
small soft slabs that pulled out in steep rocky areas and just below the
corniced ridge (~10-20′ wide, 2″ deep, and running like a big sluff down to the
mellows). Definitely not enough to bury anyone even with all the entrained
snow, but definitely could knock the un-expecting over with consequences
depending on what’s below.