Nasty snow conditions in the Front Range, at least up the Rabbit Creek drainage.
The snow is wet up to the ridges and really wet below. Serious wind damage.
Many areas where the snow is usually thinner are scoured down to the ground.
Massive sastrugi formations. Old boilerplate windslabs and ice are exposed and
mixed in with this sastrugi. Unpredictable, breakable, and grabby windslab that
has thawed at the surface seems to be the most widespread condition. Where
there was protected powder from Friday, it is now heavily thawed with a sun
crust forming. Probing with a pole in the main gullies of Peak 2 & 3 where the
snow’s deepest and the skiing can be good revealed a semi-soft thawed surface
sitting on top of a stiffer (yet to thaw) windslab with a less consolidated and
softer layer below all that. I imagine things will get really nasty when all
the thawing re-freezes.