
Amy Downing Scholarship Fund

Born and raised in Anchorage, Amy was a regular in the Anchorage outdoor community. She lived for adventure and companionship in the backcountry. Amy continually pushed herself to try new things and develop her outdoor skills. She thrived on the feeling of empowerment that wilderness experiences gave her, and was always looking to share those feelings and experiences with others. A gifted connector, she had a natural ability to bring people together, usually outside. Amy’s enthusiasm for skiing and adventure is dearly missed.

The Amy Downing Scholarship Fund offers women the opportunity to gain the skills and equipment necessary to have their own adventures in the backcountry and the chance to experience the same feelings of empowerment and joy that drew Amy to the wilderness.

Donate to the Amy Downing Scholarship Fund: click here for members and here for sponsors. This scholarship was established by Charlie’s Produce, with generous support from Tote Maritime.

Amy Downing Scholarship Application process:

  1. 3-5 scholarships will be available each season to women seeking an Avy 1, Avy 2, or a beginner snowmachine-specific course.
  2. Scholarships must be used within one year of being awarded.
  3. Local courses are offered through the Alaska Guide Collective and Alaska Avalanche School. If you wish to take an out-of-state course, please specify in your application. Eligible courses must conform to national standards.
  4. Potential recipients must write a request, no more than two pages, to the Friends of the Chugach Avalanche Center scholarship committee that includes:
    • A brief candidate resume/bio;
    • Course name and dates; and
    • An explanation of why the applicant feels she should be awarded the scholarship.

Applications open October 25. Requests will be reviewed and awarded by December 5th. To apply, email your request to

Amy Downing Avalanche Scholarship Fund Funders
Michael Bradway The Hoarding MarmotCyd Hanns Amy Holman & Kris Holderied
Mallory Karp Katrina R Libby Dana Nunn William Person
Carolyn Seramur Charlie's ProduceRachel Shedd

Rob Hammel Scholarship Fund

Rob was an outstanding member of the local community, a veteran ski patroller, and professional colleague with a sincere passion for the outdoors and skiing. He was a dedicated friend and supporter of the CNFAIC and worked to educate the next generation about avalanche safety.

Donate to the Rob Hammel Scholarship Fund: click here for members and here for sponsors. We thank the Hammel family and friends for establishing this memorial scholarship fund to provide avalanche education opportunities to those who cannot afford it.

Rob Hammel Scholarship Application process:

  1. Two (2) Scholarships available: Avalanche Professionals ($500) and Recreational ($500)
  2. Scholarships must be used within one year of being awarded.
  3. Local courses are offered through the Alaska Guide Collective and Alaska Avalanche School. If you wish to take an out-of-state course, please specify in your application. Eligible courses must conform to national standards.
  4. Applicants must submit a written request, no more than two pages, to the Friends of the Chugach Avalanche Center scholarship committee that includes:
    • A brief candidate resume/bio ;
    • The scholarship being applied for: Professional or Recreational
    • Course name and dates ; and
    • An explanation of why the applicant feels he/she should be awarded the scholarship.

In addition to need, applicants for the Avalanche Professional scholarship who will use the training to promote further education and safety (e.g. snow professionals or educators) will be given favor. Scholarship applications for professional workshops or conferences will be considered on a case by case basis.

Applications open October 25. Requests will be reviewed and awarded by December 5th. To apply, email your request to

Rob Hammel Avalanche Scholarship Fund Funders
Michael Bradway John Castellot The Hoarding MarmotHeather Durtscvhi
Rorie Hammel Raina Hammel & Richard SegalAmy Holman & Kris HolderiedDana Nunn
Benjamin olwell JOHNSE S OSTMAN William Person Steve Reed
Carolyn Seramur

2023/2024 Friends of the Chugach Avalanche Center – Alaska Avalanche School Scholarship

The 2023/2024 AAS scholarships have been granted. We are pleased to have eight successful candidates. Thanks to everyone who applied!

Friends of Chugach Avalanche Center (F-CAC) and the Alaska Avalanche School (AAS) are excited to offer eight scholarship opportunities for AAS avalanche education programs. Applicants must reside in Alaska.

Each scholarship will include full tuition for an AAS recreational course during the 2023/2024 winter season. You will specify the course date and location for which you are applying within the application; please see full course descriptions at

F-CAC and AAS seek to break down barriers to entry for individuals seeking avalanche education. We will be reviewing applications based on the following:

  • Need for tuition assistance
  • Commitment to strengthen avalanche awareness in their community
  • Applicants belonging to groups who are underrepresented in formal avalanche trainings, including motorized users, BIPOC, and people who identify as women, non-binary, and/or LGBTQIA.

Applications open October 25, 2023 and will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.


  • Scholarship awardees will be contacted when selected to complete the registration process with AAS.
  • Scholarship funds will be credited directly to awardees’ tuition for the selected course.
  • Awardees will be asked to pay a $50 deposit that will be returned to them after the course is completed. If this is a financial barrier to application, please contact
  • In the event an awardee needs to cancel their course within two weeks of the course start date, the $50 deposit will not be returned to the awardee.
  • Please direct any questions regarding the application to:
  • Applicants will be reviewed jointly by F-CAC and AAS.

Application Process